3 Ways To Remove A Mole

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Among the many quirks your skin may have, you may find a mole that is particularly unattractive or unappealing to you for one reason or another. Luckily, there are numerous ways that you can have a mole removed that are both safe and medically sound. Read on and discover just a few of these ways to remove a mole.


After a local anesthesia is applied – making this process virtually painless aside from a quick needle prick – a mole is shaved off using a carefully designed tool. The shaving process is relatively quick, though it sometimes takes a few "goes." Often times, this method will leave behind a very small scar. Although not always, sometimes a small tool is used to cauterize the area after it has been shaved down in order to ensure that the mole does not reappear. In order for this method to work effectively, the mole must be quite small and must not be cancerous.

Surgical Excision

A surgical excision is a rather complex method of getting rid of a mole, and is often used if the mole is simply too big to get rid of by other methods or the mole itself is cancerous. The method involves cutting the tissue surrounding the mole, then underneath the surface of the mole to remove its root, or area of the mole that exists under the skin. Once the mole and its roots are removed, the skin is stitched up and may leave a minimal scar. Although somewhat more complex than other methods of mole removal, the procedure is still quite simple. It simply revolves around the application of local anesthesia, a quick surgical procedure, and suturing the wound. You will recover from the process within the day.

Liquid Nitrogen

Using liquid nitrogen on a mole is often known as "freezing" the mole. This method of getting rid of a mole is yet another simple procedure. The doctor will simply place a bit of incredibly frigid liquid nitrogen over the surface of your mole that will effectively freeze it and will cause it to fall off. You will have a bit of a blister for some time afterwards, and there will be a small scar left in the mole's wake.

This brief guide should have given you some idea of how you might have a mole removed. If you have any more questions about mole removal, it is highly recommended that you speak to your physician or a local and trusted dermatologist who offers mole removal services.
